'Walking Treasures'
These pieces link together the experience of place, created by stopping and taking notice of small features in a landscape, with the journey taken between these places, the two intricately linked together with each other.

'Walking Treasures 1', 2021
Ink, wash, burning, gunpowder on paper

'Walking Treasures 2', 2021
Ink, wash, burning, gunpowder on paper

'Walking Treasures 3', 2021
Ink, wash, burning, gunpowder on paper

'Walking Treasures 4', 2021
Ink, wash, burning, gunpowder on paper
These drawings are my explorations of what is at my feet whilst exploring the local landscape. In discovering and stopping to examine and record these ‘treasures’ along my routes, I am recording my experience of these places. The more I stopped to notice things, the more I spotted.
Sections of the journey between these places are also recorded in these drawings, bringing some context to the ‘treasures’ and showing how to walk through an area is to both understand the sense of place that location holds and also how you fit within that place. These walked lines are burnt into the paper and have the 'treasure' locations marked on them using gunpowder.